Photo of Kookaburra courtesy of Jackie Delaney

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Let's talk about domestic violence differently

- 7 Jun 2023

DV West has provided a resource to help change the narrative and reframe victim blaming language.  We can start by using language which clearly puts the accountability family and domestic violence back on the perpetratror.

For example, instead of asking, "Why did she go back?", the real question is, "Whe did he promise to stop, and then abuse her again?".  Or, rather than saying "He has anger control issues', the truth is, "He uses abuse to have power and control over his partner".

Language is about choice - choosing what we say, how we say it and to whom we say it. Our choice of language has direct and immediate impacts on perpetrators and on women and children. It has the potential to make women and children who have been abused feel confused, scared or at fault. Equally it can make them feel supported, energised or em-powered..

Words are powerful, it's important to use them wisely, particularly when discussing issues of domestic and sexual violence.

To learn more, download: Let's talk about domestic violence differently (2-page pdf document).


DV West: 4732 2318

Other useful numbers:
Lifeline - 13 11 14
Beyond Blue - 1300 22 4636
Suicide Callback Service - 1300 659 467
DV Line: 1800 65 64 63

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