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Protect yourself during a bushfire

Bushfires usually occur on hot days. You and your family may be in shorts or swimsuits and bare feet and sandals. Remember, the deadly effects of radiant heat are increased by the amount of skin exposed to it. So as soon as you know there are bushfires in your area, cover up!

Fire fighters wear protective gear to survive. So should you. Some personal protective clothing is general purpose and you will probably already have it.

Appropriate personal protective clothing

Organise a fire cupboard or box before summer and the fire season and pack it with clothes for all members of the family, and ensure all household members know its location. Whether you plan to stay and actively defend the house or leave early well before threatened, you still need to have access to protective clothing.

  • Long sleeved overalls or long-sleeved shirt andtrousers in natural fibres (such as wool or cotton, butnot heavy clothing)
  • Wide-brimmed hat or hard helmet
  • Solid footwear such as boots, preferably leather
  • Woollen or cotton socks
  • Gloves – sturdy garden variety, not rubber or synthetic
  • A moistened mask or large handkerchief for faceprotection and to filter smoke
  • Goggles or glasses to protect eyes from smoke andflying embers

The heat will be intense so don’t overload yourself with tight-fitting, heavy clothes. Remember that everyone should wear protective clothing, not just those involved in actively defending the home.

  • - All members of the household should wear appropriate protective clothing whenever there is an uncontrolled fire in the area