What We Do

As the local peak organisation for the community services sector in the Blue Mountains, our goal is to lead and support a sustainable community sector in the Blue Mountains.

At MCRN we offer the local community sector the following services:

  • Central Information Hub - we deliver news to the sector through this website, Twitter , Facebook and a weekly e-Bulletin emailed to MCRN members.

  • Interagency Groups - we convene and coordinate the generalist Blue Mountains Community Interagency (BMCI), Recovery, Resiliance & Preparedness Group (RR&P), Homelessness Prevention & Early Intervention Interagency(HOPE), Mountains Multicultural Interagency(MMI) & convenes the Community Sector Leaders Group.    

  • Advocacy on Equity and Social Justice Issues - working on behalf of organisations, community groups and individuals, we advocate in the wider political arena.

  • Representation - we are members of a number of forums including Stronger Families Alliance (SFA), Community Care Forum ,the Coalition Against Violence and Abuse(CAVA). We are members on peak bodies and regional forums including the NSW Council of Social Services (NCOSS), Western Sydney Commnity Forum (WSCF), the Local Community Sector Association (LCSA), Stronger Voice for Greater Western Sydney and the Sector Development Group - ensuring that the voice of our community sector is heard beyond the Mountains.

  • Sector Support - we offer a variety of support services and training to our members, as required (including governance support and development for our member organisations).

  • Access to the member only resources on our webpage - including:
    - Veiwing and creating evens in the Sector Meetings Calendar
    - Veiwing and downloading a rane of reports, documents, previous editions of the BMCI ebulletin and BMCI meeting minutes. 
    - Access to a detailed Referral Directory for the sector
    - Exclusive access to Kri Newtons delicious recipes (according to popular demand)  

  • Auspicing Groups - we support unfunded and/or unincorporated community groups and social justice campaigns and auspice a range of local action groups including Pink Mountains , BM Interfaith, BM Transgender & Diversity (BMT&D) and the Blue Mountains Trade Union Council’s Politics in the Pub.

  • Support for Diversty - we actively support community development initiatives that celebrate diversity within our community. Through partnerships and collaboration with local indigenous and multicultural communities and organisations, MCRN is committed to the Statement from the Heart (Voice, Treaty, Truth) and promoting reconciliation and more broadly celebrating cultural diversity in the Blue Mountains. MCRN promotes and participates in annual events such as NAIDOC Week, Reconciliation Week, Harmony Day and Refugee Week. We also work together with local services and other stakeholders to raise awareness and highlight the importance of National & NSW initiatives such as Mental Health Month, Seniors Week, Neighbourhood Centre Week, International Women’s Day, Reclaim the Night 16 Days of Activism, International Day of Disability and International Day Against Homophobia.

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